Hey everyone, it’s your boy back again with another gaming deep dive. Today we’re tackling a question that’s been bouncing around in my head and probably yours too if you’re into Overwatch: “What are the best DPS heroes to play alongside Doomfist?” I spent the whole week experimenting, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride.

First off, I jumped into a bunch of quick play matches, trying out different combos. I figured, who needs a strategy when you can just throw things at the wall and see what sticks, right? Started with some of the usual suspects. I thought, “Doomfist is all about diving in, so maybe fast, high-damage heroes would work?” So, I teamed up with some Tracer and Genji players. The idea was that we’d all jump in together, create chaos, and clean up. Sometimes it worked like a charm, other times we just got mowed down before we could even make a dent.
Then, I had this brilliant idea to try Pharah. I was like, “If Doomfist is causing a ruckus on the ground, Pharah raining down rockets from above should be perfect, right?” Well, kinda. We did get some awesome plays where I’d punch someone into the air, and Pharah would just blast them out of the sky. But if the enemy team had a decent hitscan, Pharah would get shut down pretty quick.
- Tried Junkrat too. The thought was that his grenades would add to the chaos and area denial. It was fun, no doubt, lobbing grenades and watching things explode, but it wasn’t always effective. Sometimes it felt like we were just feeding the enemy team’s ultimate charge.
- I even gave Widowmaker a shot. Figured her long-range damage could be useful if Doomfist was distracting the enemy. We got some cool moments where I’d engage, and she’d snipe someone off from across the map. But if I couldn’t keep the heat off her, she was basically a sitting duck.
After getting my butt kicked more times than I’d like to admit, I decided to switch things up. I saw someone mention Hanzo and his Sonic Arrow. “Now, that’s interesting,” I thought. The idea of knowing where the enemy is before Doomfist goes in? That’s gold! So, I found a few Hanzo mains and gave it a whirl. And man, it made a difference. Knowing where the enemy was clumped up or where their squishies were hiding made Doomfist’s dives so much more effective. We pulled off some crazy flanks and team wipes. It felt like cheating, almost.
Experimented with Other Heroes
But I didn’t stop there. I also tried teaming up with heroes that could provide some crowd control. Zarya was an interesting one. Her bubbles could save Doomfist when he dived in too deep, and her Graviton Surge could set up some devastating combos. We had a few games where we just dominated, pulling the enemy team together and then blasting them to bits.
I did some digging and found people talking about Sombra being a counter to Doomfist, not a teammate. But hey, why not try the opposite? I figured her hack could disable key targets, making it easier for Doomfist to secure kills. We tried it, and it was hit or miss. When it worked, it was amazing. Hacking a Rein or a Roadhog and watching Doomfist just go to town on them was satisfying. But if Sombra got caught out or the hacks didn’t land, it was pretty much game over for us.
Heard a lot of chatter about Ana being good with Doomfist. She’s a healer, I know, but I figured, “Why not?” Her Nano Boost on Doomfist? Oh boy. It was like unleashing a monster. I’d get Nano’d, dive in, and just obliterate the enemy team. Plus, her sleep dart could shut down any counters that tried to stop the rampage. We won a bunch of games just because of that combo alone.
So, what’s the verdict? After all that chaos and countless games, I think the best DPS to play with Doomfist are those that can either follow up on his dives effectively or provide intel to make his dives more successful. Hanzo, with his Sonic Arrow, was a game-changer. And while it’s not a DPS, Ana‘s Nano Boost and sleep dart can turn Doomfist into an unstoppable force.
But hey, that’s just my experience. Overwatch is all about adapting and trying new things. So, get out there, experiment, and find what works best for you. And if you stumble upon some crazy combo that I didn’t mention, let me know! I’m always up for trying something new. Peace out, and happy gaming!